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Stress lass´ nach

Stress ist ein weit verbreitetes Problem für Pferde. Und viel zu oft ein unerkannter Prozess unter dem die Pferde schleichend oft jahrelang leiden. Das Problem betrifft ...

Wild horses’ original presence

When we travel to visit the last remaining wild horses on this planet, we often ponder why human beings are so fascinated by wild creatures these days. Of course, there are millions of answers that also impact, in varying degrees, everyday life with ...

Horse personalities

A horse's position within the herd is not determined by its age, race, or body size. One horse might behave in one way in a certain environment, and the same horse might act in a completely different manner when put into the constellation of another...

Community Workshop in Sardinia

To thank you for supporting RPlus we have a very special treat for you today. The idea and the dream of RPlus have come into being in Sardinia among the Cavallini della Giara, the island’s fabulous small wild horses. So, we would like to invite...

Different paces of life

It can be beneficial to understand possible sources of typical misunderstandings in order to truly connect with horses, to meet them on an equal footing, and to discover your unique common path. One difficulty many persons encounter is due to an issue...